

1st July 2023 – 12th September 2023

Kangaroo Math

Embark on an exhilarating journey through the world of mathematics and problem-solving, ignited by the visionary mathematicians of Australia. This captivating competition, which originated in 1978, quickly gained momentum, capturing the hearts and minds of participants far and wide. Inspired by its resounding success, the ingenious French educators André Deledicq and Jean Pierre Boudine embraced the challenge, launching their sensational venture, “Kangourou des Mathématiques,” in 1990. The triumph of the Kangourou challenge in France set ablaze a passionate fervor that spread like wildfire across Europe. Witness the vibrant tapestry of mathematical prowess as numerous European countries, including Belarus, Hungary, The Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, and Spain, chose to create their own captivating Kangaroo competitions in 1994. From there, the competition’s fascinating allure continued to enthrall nations worldwide, captivating the imaginations of Sweden (1999), Germany (2007), Latin America (2014), Canada, Pakistan (from 2005), and beyond. The allure of the Math Kangaroo contest extended its reach to the United States, making its notable debut in 2009, while Denmark embraced the exciting challenge in 2015, joining the global community of passionate mathematical adventurers. Prepare to be captivated by the thrilling allure of Math Kangaroo as it unites minds across continents, celebrating the exhilaration of mathematics and the unyielding pursuit of intellectual triumph.

Objectives of Kangaroo Math

  • Promote the joy and excitement of mathematics: The competition aims to instill a sense of enjoyment and enthusiasm for mathematics among participants. It seeks to foster a positive attitude towards the subject by showcasing its intriguing and engaging aspects.
  • Develop problem-solving skills: The Kangaroo Math Competition aims to enhance participants’ problem-solving abilities by challenging them with a variety of mathematical problems. Through these problems, participants are encouraged to think critically, apply logical reasoning, and develop effective problem-solving strategies.
  • Foster mathematical thinking: The competition aims to develop and nurture participants’ mathematical thinking skills. It encourages them to analyze problems, identify patterns, make connections, and apply mathematical concepts and principles to arrive at solutions.
  • Promote mathematical creativity: The Kangaroo Math Competition encourages participants to think creatively and explore innovative approaches to problem-solving. It seeks to unleash their imagination and inspire them to approach mathematical challenges with originality and ingenuity.


Individual Participant:

 – Please register as “Individual”

– Competition mode – ONLINE MODE ONLY


Rules & Regulations:

– Students are compulsory to answer the competition under the invigilation of KANGAROO MATH COMPETITION 2023.

– Devices such as laptops, PCs, iPads/tablets are allowed to be used during the competition.

– No refund will be made due to the student’s absence during the competition day.

– Students are not allowed to switch to another competition after payments have been made.

– If you are register under individual, you need to register as parents first. Then only you can add your child / individual details.



Price per student:


BND20 to participate in one competition

BND45 to participate in all

Click the Kangaroo icon to begin your registration